1. CONSTITUENT INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS – These are FOUNDER MEMBER SCHOOLS (First 10 FULLY Boarding Schools to become Institutional Members)
Class of Members:
The membership of the Association shall consist of:
a) Individual Members:
b) Institutional Members:
a) Individual Members:
·The Management Committee may invite up to 11 individuals to be honorary members.
·These members shall have a term of three years from the date of becoming member. With the consent of the retiring member, the Management Committee may extend the term by another three years.
·The member shall be currently or previously employed in a senior position by a boarding school.
·The membership shall be approved by the Management Committee.
·Out of 11 individual members, 5 will be ladies.
b) Institutional Members:
Requisite Criteria
The first 10 applicants, fulfilling the above criteria, after Society's incorporation, shall be designated as Constituent Institutional Members and the rest shall be designated as Ordinary Institutional Members. Fully Residential Schools shall become FULL Members and partially Residential Schools shall become ASSOCIATE Members and
Applications for membership by individuals and institutions will be received by the Management Committee and acceptance shall be determined using the criteria listed above.
c) Membership Fees:
The Managing Committee has the power to determine and change the fees, as and when it deems necessary.
d) Cessation & Termination of Membership:
·Membership of the Association shall cease if an individual member dies or resigns.
·Individual and Institutional Members may be expelled for any of the following reasons:
o For being found in violation of the association’s rules and values.
o If their activities are detrimental or prejudicial to the aims and objectives of the Association.
o If a member is convicted of a criminal offence.
o Or any other egregious activity as determined by the Board Directors.
o An institutional membership shall be automatically cancelled/removed if it accepts any Day Scholars (except employees’ wards) or become a day/weekly boarding or a day School.
·The Board of Directors/ Managing Committee may initiate proceedings to expel a member. It may follow a process critically examining any evidence of impropriety:
o The power to expel members rests solely with the Board of Directors. Approval of such a decision would require a simple majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
e) Code of Conduct of Members
·Every member shall be bound by the provisions of the Memorandum of Association, and decisions made or taken by the Association or its Managing Committee from time to time.
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