'The Lawrence Asylum’ was built as a memorial to Major General Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, who early in 1856, offered a sum of Rs.5,000 down if action were taken to found, at some Madras hill-station, an Asylum similar to those already established at Sanawar. The Institution grew and with the passage of time, the School metamorphosed into one of the premier residential public schools of the country. The Senior School is housed in a magnificent two-storey building with a towering campanile of 130 feet, built in Italian Gothic style and designed by Architect Robert Fellowes Chisholm. The entire campus spreads over 750 acres of pristine, lush green land in the Nilgiri Mountains in Tamilnadu. The School was under British administration until May 1949, after which the school was run by The Lawrence School, Lovedale society. The administration of The Lawrence School, Lovedale is vested in a body known as the Board of Governors appointed by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The School is neither exclusive nor elitist and it maintains a Secular and Cosmopolitan culture. In fact, the School is a miniature India, for children from many communities from all parts of the country and overseas, study here. They are brought up in an atmosphere that fosters a spirit of co-existence and respect for the feelings and beliefs of others.
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